What a lovely little market- which we just about survived – gone are the days of a relaxing family stroll around a market place, and I don’t and will never take Isla to a supermarket !.

We went as a family and I managed to get some nice fresh produce while Paul looked out for Isla. Luckily she was distracted by what seemed like every dog in town ! Yes all lovely lovely dogs – and what a lovely lovely day !  how many times !, so before you know it, Isla’s overstimulated with meeting the, literally 10-15 dogs – and I think I was too !  while trying to take in some market vibes and staying clear of anything Isla might spot and want !

Its not ideal taking Isla to a market place, as all she sees is food and people snacking left, right and center !  she didn’t even asking anyone for food today ! or for a piece of fruit from a kind stall holder with her puppy dog eyes !