While in Queenstown visiting friends one day Lola felt like making an apple pie to share. We had found some wild apples at a lakeside camp a few days previously and Lola was looking forward to doing something with them – Lets just say – that straight off the tree – they weren’t as yum as they looked ! – but in the pie they were delicious. Once again Lola made this all by herself without the use of a recipe book, just potters along singing to herself.


A sheet of puff pastry, a little flour for rolling, a little oil for greasing the try, 6 ish fresh apples, zest and juice of an orange, ground cinnamon and an egg for brushing the pastry.


Put the oven on to 200 c, grease the pie dish, or tray. Roll out the pastry to fit the tray if needed, peel and slice the apples, then mix them with the zest and juice of an orange. Then layer the slices of apples in the dish with a little cinnamon, top the pie with any leftover pastry, and egg wash the top before cooking in the oven at 200 c for 30min ish. If you feel it needs to be sweeter enjoy it with a little custard.